DUCATI ENERGIA S.p.A. Railway Signalling Division, is one of the most qualified Italian Company for the supply of railway signalling interlocking systems to Italian State Railways Company RFI, private railways and underground railways.
In this sector DUCATI ENERGIA R.S.D. is thus able to carry out all the activities involved in the "turnkey" realization of railway signalling systems and in particular:
planning and working design, construction and detailed design, construction and assembly of the system in its own workshop, automatic factory tests according to Italian State Railways ratified rules (N.T. 717), on site assembly, functional tests and technical checks to put in service the interlocking.
Besides interlocking systems, DUCATI ENERGIA R.S.D. designs and installs Hot Box and Brake detection systems of its own production.
All the processes involved in the systems realization are carried out under the respect of RFI S.p.A. Safety procedures by means of a specific Safety Plan emission for each contract, and following the Company Quality Management System and RFI Quality procedures.
DUCATI ENERGIA R.S.D. is certified by CSQ for UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 Criteria for assurance and guarantee of Quality in design, development, manufacture, installation and servicing of railway signalling systems and equipment.
For the same type of systems DUCATI ENERGIA R.S.D. is certified in the Italian Public Contracts Register (S.O.A.- Cat. OS 9) for no limit amount of contracts.
DUCATI ENERGIA R.S.D. is also certified by Italian State Railways like a Society able to design and realize relay signalling systems of all type (Certificate LIS-001, LIS 002 and LIS 004, all in class 6 : 8M€), and for supply and construction of special Hot Box and Brake Detection systems (Certificate LIS 007 in class 6 : for no limit amount of contracts). .